Frequently Asked Questions

How do workshops function?

Throughout eleven workshops parents and leaders are partners in seeking answers to various issues related to parenting and child development. Parents exchange information, knowledge, skills and experiences with the leaders and other parents. In this way they learn together and support each other, which proved to be beneficial for enhancement of competences of both parents and children.

What is the difference between the programmes Growing Up Together and Growing Up Together Plus?

The Growing Up Together workshops are intended for the general population of parents with young children, in other words for all parents. The Growing Up Together Plus workshops are intended for parents of pre-school children with develpmental challenges. Though parents of children with disabilities are not different from other parents, they do feel stronger need for information and personal empowerment as they raise their child in more demanding conditions. An additional support from other parents who have children with disabilities and exchange of experiences with them is therefore most welcome.

Is it possible for me to attend the Growing Up Together workshop together with the parents of children with typical development although I have a child with disability?

Yes. As a parent, you may choose which group you want to join, because you know best what kind of support you need and in which group of parents you expect to find it.

Who conducts workshops?

Workshops are conducted by a team of educated experts specialized in the child's early development: psychologists, pedagogues, educational rehabilitators, defectologists, speech therapists, social workers, teachers.

Is there a charge for attendance at workshops?

No, workshops are free of charge for parents.

How large are groups?

Usually, there are 8-12 parents in a group.

Is it possible to choose topics that parents want to attend? Eleven workshops seem too time-consuming.

The programme is designed so that eleven workshops are interrelated. Parents are expected to attend all of them. The large majority of parents who attended the whole programme of workshops reported that they did not find it too long. Moreover, the end of the cycle came as a surprise to them and they expressed desire to continue meetings and group learning.

May I take my husband with me to the workshop?

Yes. Parents in pairs are welcome. The parents who came in pair expressed their satisfaction with the programme and reported that they changed their way of thinking and talking about their child and the parenting in general.

Are workshops suitable for expectant mothers?

No, Growing Up Together workshops are intended for parents with young children (aged 1-4). Given the fact that parents-to-be with no previous parental experience have different concerns and ideas about parenting than parents who already have children, pre-natal classes are more appropriate for expectant mothers.

What about grandmothers?

It is not that they may not come. However, the grandmother' role in the life of the child differs from that of their parents. We believe that there are situations when they are welcome (e.g. if they are custodians). However, it is recommended to consult with one of the workshop team leaders about this issue.

Do children attend workshops?

No. These workshops are intended for parents. Meanwhile, the child should be taken care of by other parent or a person who usually helps the parent in similar situations. If the organization which implements the workshop can provide educators or volunteers who will take care of the children during the workshop, the parents will be duly informed thereof in their announcement of workshops.

May I attend the workshops although my child does not go to the kindergarten where workshops are held?

Yes. Growing Up Together workshops are intended for all parents of young children, whether or not the child goes to kindergarten.

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